JAKARTA - Activist Natalius Pigai is currently in the spotlight. This is because he has been the victim of two cases of alleged hate speech with the elements of SARA. The case of alleged hate speech with the elements of SARA which involved Natalius Pigai was the most recent reported by Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda. He was reported by the Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) to Bareskrim Polri on Thursday, January 28. The Head of Legal Affairs of the KNPI DPP, Medya Rischa Lubis said this report was made because of Abu Janda's tweet on social media Twitter containing SARA, on January 2. "It has been We received our report, thank God, cooperatively from the police. We have also attached the evidence, "said Medya, Thursday, January 28." That today we have reported the twitter account @ permadiaktivis1 which is allegedly owned by the brother of Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda, " He continued. Abu Janda's tweets were considered to contain SARA, said Medya, because they used the word 'evolution' and addressed Pigai. As for the reported tweets, 'The capacity of General Hendropriyono: Former Head of BIN, Former Director of Bais, Former Minister of Transmigration, Professor of Philosophy of Science Intelligence, Served in Various Military Operations. You @ NataliusPigai2 what's your capacity? Have you finished evolution yet? '"The words evolution is the bottom line for us to report @ permadiaktivis1 for allegedly spreading hate speech," said. Medya emphasized that the word evolution was considered an insult to Natalius Pigai's physicality. Therefore it was decided to report Abu Janda. The report is registered with the number LP / B / 0052 / I / Bareskrim dated January 28, 2021.

Widow's Abu was reported under Article 45 paragraph (3) Jo Article 27 paragraph (3) and / or Article 45 A paragraph (2) Jo Article 25 paragraph (2) and / or Law number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to the Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, Hatred or Enmity for Individuals and / or Inter-Groups (SARA), Article 310 and / or Article 311 of the Criminal Code. Previously, Pigai was also a victim of hate speech with the elements of SARA with the suspect Ambroncius Nababan. Ambroncius juxtaposed a picture of Pigai with a picture of a gorilla. Determination of the suspect against the Patai Hanura cadre after the case was taken over by the Police Criminal Investigation Unit. In addition, the determination of the suspect against him was after investigators found strong evidence. "After a case title was carried out, the conclusion of the case title was to raise the status on behalf of AN to become a suspect," said Head of Public Relations of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, Tuesday, January 26. , Ambroncius Nababan was immediately arrested. Investigators decided to detain Ambroncius for the next 20 days while completing the investigation file. Hanuara Party cadre Ambroncius Nababan is facing a 5-year prison sentence with multiple alleged articles. Ambroncius Nababan is charged with Article 45A paragraph (2) Jo Article 28 paragraph (2) of the Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, and / or Article 16 Jo Article 4 letter b paragraph (1) of Law Number 40 of 2008 concerning the elimination of racial and ethnic discrimination and / or Article 156 of the Criminal Code.

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