YOGYAKARTA Piles of excess fat in the stomach are not a good thing for health. Fat in the middle of the body is known to increase the risk of metabolic syndrome. This metabolic syndrome is associated with an insulin resistance risk factor and an increase in blood pressure and cholesterol levels that make a person experience heart disease and diabetes.

Apart from lifestyle and genetic factors, the buildup of belly fat can be triggered by hormonal changes. According to nutritionist Total Mellor, reported by Workstrong Physiotherapy, Monday, January 6, around the waist and abdomen is the most common place for fat to be superimposed, especially in middle age. The following habits help shed belly fat at middle age.

"There are frequent real changes in the storage of fat in women, from hips to the middle, after the age of 40 years," Mellor said. As estrogen levels decrease near the age of menopause, women tend to weigh well and fat accumulates in the abdomen area.

Exercising time turns out to make a big difference in submerging fat. According to research by professor of human health and physiological sciences at Skidmore College, Paur Arcioro, burning fat between 06.30 a.m. to 08.30 p.m. or before breakfast, it provides greater benefits for burning belly fat than between 18.00 a.m. to 20.00 p.m.

The type of exercise must also be considered. For fat to accumulate in the middle, it is the response of a woman's body to maintain estrogen. Cardio exercise may be an addition to reduce body fat. But experts suggest that squats and lunge with high intensity are very helpful. This movement strengthens the muscles of the buttocks, front thighs, and back thighs of the legs. The effect of burning fat is getting bigger.

Alpukat is well eaten regularly, especially to reduce harmful visceral fats around the organs. Eating avocado also provides positive changes, especially for women. According to research published in the Journal of Nutrition, 115 women added avocados to their food. Half of them eat daily without avocado. Researchers found that avocado affects a person's body in storing fats.

Stress hormone, or cortisol, affects fat distribution to be stored around the stomach and organs. Researchers from Yale University show that women directly with high stress hormone levels tend to have excess belly fat. Therefore, yoga can calm, help lower stress hormones, and shrink waist circumference.

Women aged menopaus tend to often experience sleep patterns, according to research. The study revealed that at the age of 25-59 it was much more likely not to get enough sleep between 58-60 percent.

"The scientists have shown that lack of sleep can interfere with hunger and saturation mechanisms, which lead to an increase in appetite and the desire to snack during the day," said nutritionist Dominique Ludwig.

Therefore, it is very important to get quality sleep every day. It is also important to experience clean and regular sleep every night. Research in 2022 shows that lack of sleep results in consumption of more than 300 extra calories and 17 percent more fat than people who get enough sleep. Lack of sleep also causes a total increase in belly fat by 9 percent and an increase in dangerous belly visceral fat by 11 percent, and pursues lag with recovery sleep and napping does not reverse this increase.

Middle-aged women are recommended to exercise squat and lunges as well as cardio as additional and yoga twice a week. For middle-aged men, to get rid of belly fat, it is recommended that weightlifting and cardio exercise. Lifting a load doesn't have to be really heavy, but twenty minutes is done almost every day to help reduce overall fat.

According to the British Nutrition Foundation, average sugar intake is recommended to be no more than 30 grams daily at the age of 19-64 years. The effect of consuming sugary foods, or sweet foods, can result in a larger buildup of fat around the stomach.

Pistachio is a low-calorie but nutrient-rich peanut. These green beans also contain good antioxidants for eye health and blood sugar control. According to research from Pennsylvania State University, pistachio has been shown to reduce the response of the male body to the stress of everyday life. Plus, the high fiber content means pistachio is very good for gut health and to burn belly fat.

A total of 30 percent of men in the UK and 15 percent of women report drinking more than recommended upper limits. All alcohol must be reduced to a healthy limit, but strive to reduce drinking good beer for your stomach fat.

Research involving 1,869 participants at the Biobank UK revealed that beer and alcoholic beverages are associated with an increase in belly fat levels that are dangerous, while other studies have shown that drinking six or more beer a week increases the waist-guide ratio. Ludwig explained, alcohol is carbohydrates with about seven calories per gram. That means, one can of beer amounts to the calories of a chocolate bar.

That's the habit of mitigating belly fat in middle age. It is important to understand, shrink the waist and distended stomach, it cannot be done instantly. The only healthy way is to build healthy habits that are lived every day.

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