TULUNGAGUNG - Tulungagung Regency Government, East Java, plans to temporarily close the Sumbergempol Integrated Animal Market (PHT) following the outbreak of cases of Mouth and Nail Disease (PMK) in East Java, in recent weeks.
"We plan to temporarily close the PHT for two weeks," said the Regional Secretary of Tulungagung Regency Tri Hariadi as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 6.
This step was taken after pressure from local traders and cattle breeders who were worried that the transmission of PMK from outside the region would have an impact on their livestock.
Tri said the level of awareness of breeders and traders in Tulungagung for the dangers of PMK had increased.
After 14 days of closure, his party will evaluate the situation. If the PMK case gets worse, the duration of market closure can be extended.
"Farmers are expected to be more introspective. If the price is low, they can hold back sales. If the livestock is sick, first focus on treatment," he added.
Since the end of November 2024, the PMK case has been found again in Tulungagung with the number of infected livestock reaching 60-70 cows.
According to drh. Tutus Sumaryani, one of the causes of the re-emergence of PMK cases is high humidity that triggers viral and bacterial activity.
"The virus and bacteria that were previously banger were active again because of the increased humidity," explained Tutus.
However, he ensured that conditions in Tulungagung were still under control compared to other areas in East Java.
Awareness of breeders to maintain the cleanliness of the cage, report cases more quickly, as well as mass vaccination efforts to help suppress the spread of PMK.
Livestock Traffic Challenges
Tutus also revealed that most of the cows infected with PMK did not come from Tulungagung, but from livestock imported from outside the region.
Inter-regional livestock traffic through the animal market is one of the main challenges in preventing transmission.
"The animal market in Tulungagung is visited by traders from various districts, so that livestock traffic is difficult to dam," he said.
Although the option to close livestock traffic access is difficult because it can disrupt the livestock sector's economy, Tutus emphasized that the condition of PMK in Tulungagung is still sporadic and under control.
With proactive steps and support from farmers, the Tulungagung Regency Government is optimistic that it can maintain the health and productivity of livestock in its territory.
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