Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs (Menko Pangan) Zulkifli Hasan or Zulhas revealed that the milk menu is in the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program. However, it is not provided every day.
"It's certain, it's not every day (there is)," Zulhas said at a press conference in Jakarta, Monday, January 6.
Regarding the supply of milk for the MBG program, Zulhas admitted that some came from imports. However, the MBG program still prioritizes domestically produced food commodities.
"Yes, everyone is trying from within the country," said Zulhas
Furthermore, Zulhas said that the determination of the menu for the MBG program was also adjusted to the production of food in each region. For example, in the Lampung area, he said, it would use more fish menus.
"Others are adapted to food in the regions. For example, in my place, in Lampung people like to eat fish," he said.
"Tempe-ketahu orang Lampung mungkin nomor dua. Tapi di Jawa mungkin orang perlu egg, tempe, dan tahu. Tapi kalau di Kalimantan mungkin perlu diperlihat lagi," sambungnya.
Previously, the Head of the Presidential Communication Office Hasan Nasbi said that giving milk in the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) menu is not required every day because the supply of milk is not evenly distributed in each region.
"At least once a week, the milk is not mandatory, not a mandatory menu, because the milk supply is not evenly distributed in each region," Hasan Nasbi said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 6.
Hasan explained that the provision of milk was carried out by looking at the conditions of each Nutrition Fulfillment Service Unit (SPPG).
Milk can be given in the MBG menu at least once a week, if the SPPG is not in the cow's milk-producing area.
However, if the SPPG is located in a cow's milk-producing area or near a cow's farm, milk can be given twice to three times a week.
"I asked the Head of the SPPG earlier, they had milk once a week. He said the milk was per Friday, but the one (SPPG) in Cimahi we visited was milk on Monday," Hasan said.
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