The Mahakam River Water Resource Management Coordination Team (TKPSDA WS) will adjust its programs to support the capital city of the archipelago or IKN in East Kalimantan (Kaltim).

The head of the WS Mahakam TKPSDA, Yusliando, said the effort was to inventory water resources at IKN.

"In addition to inventorying water resources, we must synchronize the program because with the transfer of IKN to East Kalimantan, of course the existing programs must be revised and adjusted to needs," he said in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Monday, July 17, as reported by Antara.

Yusliando also invited the WS Mahakam TKPSDA to formulate programs ranging from planning, management, to utilizing water resources, both to support water needs in IKN and for East Kalimantan Province.

At the location of IKN and its surroundings, 38 watersheds (DAS) have small parts of the river and are categorized as critical, including the Manggar watershed in Balikpapan which is categorized as critical.

Meanwhile, the potential for surface water in IKN is recorded to range from 868 million cubic meters to 3.2 billion cubic meters, but it is hampered by difficult retrieval access due to morphological and topographic factors so it needs to be formulated in detail.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Association of Water Resources and Management Sub-Directorate of the Ministry of PUPR, Yunita Chandra Sari, who was present as an online resource person, said that there were a number of stages for the management of water resources.

These stages, he said, are planning, implementation of infrastructure construction, implementation of operations, maintenance, monitoring, and evaluation of water resource management.

"Pelencanaan antara lain harus mempertanggungkan semua potensi dengan memper prioritas air surut. Untuk konstruksi, baik dam, dedung, dan lainnya maupun yang nonkonstruksi harus dilengkapi dengan desain dasar dan prejiraan kelayakan," tandasnya.

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