South Jakarta Metro Police named senior actor Pierre Gruno or PG (64) as a suspect on suspicion of assault at a Bar at a hotel in the Cilandak area, South Jakarta. The victim has the initials GDB, 62 years old.
"Today, the reported brother of PSH alias PG, we have named him a suspect," said Irwandhy in a sinkat message, Thursday, July 13.
Irwandhy also said that Pierre Gruno was charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code.
"(Arrested-ed) is suspected of Article 351 of the Criminal Code, and an examination of the person concerned as a suspect is carried out," he concluded.
Victims of GDB (62) officially reported senior actor Pierre Gruno or PG (64) on suspicion of assault at a bar at a hotel in the Cilandak area, South Jakarta.
Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Irwandhy Idrus confirmed the incident. He said the report was received by his party on Saturday, July 1.
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