JAKARTA - The General Chairperson of the MKGR Ormas, Adies Kadir, firmly expressed the support of the organization he leads for the leadership of the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto. Adies also refused to hold the current Golkar Munaslub.
Adies Kadir emphasized that MKGR will remain loyal to support Airlangga Hartarto in carrying out the party leadership, as well as respecting the decisions that have been taken in the National Conference and National Working Meeting before. "Never make decisions or additional movements outside the decision of the Head of AH, as mandated in the National Conference and National Working Meeting," Adies told the media in Jakarta, Thursday, July 13.
In his statement, Adies also emphasized the importance of maintaining party unity and stability by not making decisions or wild movements outside the Golkar Party DPP. He explained that the statement showed MKGR's strong commitment in supporting and respecting Airlangga Hartarto's leadership as the legitimate General Chair of the Golkar Party.
Adies Kadir also emphasized that the MKGR will continue to be ready and loyal to oversee the policies of the Golkar Party and support the steps taken by Airlangga Hartarto. "The MKGR organization is always ready and loyal to oversee the policies of the Golkar Party and the AH Chairman," added Adies Kadir.
The statement shows that MKGR as the founding mass organization of Golkar is committed to maintaining party integrity, maintaining internal unity, and respecting the decision mechanism that has been set.
According to him, Airlangga as the General Chair of the Golkar Party has shown strong leadership and commitment in advancing the party. Support from MKGR is expected to strengthen Airlangga Hartarto's position in implementing party programs and bringing the Golkar Party to a better future.
Adies hopes that his statement can be clearly understood by all members of the MKGR and Golkar cadres. MKGR's rejection of the Golkar Munaslub emphasized MKGR's loyalty to party policies and Airlangga Hartarto's leadership and reflected the stability and integrity of the Golkar Party.
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