JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has extended the detention of former lawyer for the inactive Papua Governor Lukas Enembe, Stefanus Roy Rening. He will be detained until August 6 at the Puspomal Kelapa Gading Detention Center (Rutan), North Jakarta.

"The investigative team has extended the detention period for the SRR suspect for the next 30 days," said Head of the Corruption Eradication Commission's News Section, Ali Fikri, to journalists in a written statement, Monday, July 10.

This extension of detention is in accordance with the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court (PN), Ali said. This legal effort was carried out to shed light on the alleged obstruction of the investigation carried out by Stefanus.

"Fulfillment of the elements of the article through collecting evidence is still ongoing, including by summoning related parties as witnesses," he stressed.

Previously, the Corruption Eradication Committee (KPK) officially detained one of Lukas Enembe's attorneys, Stefanus Roy Rening, regarding alleged obstruction of investigations into cases of bribery, gratification and money laundering (TPPU). He is suspected of influencing witnesses to form incorrect opinions.

Apart from that, Roy asked other people who were witnesses in the Lukas Enembe case to provide false testimony. The aim is for the anti-corruption commission to be assessed negatively so that investigations into ongoing corruption allegations cannot be carried out.

The witness was asked to convey false news to the church in Papua. So, the congregation there was finally provoked.

It didn't stop there, Stefanus also advised other witnesses not to hand over money as a return for the alleged proceeds of corruption that was being resolved. This investigation has been obstructed since the KPK named Lukas Enembe as a suspect.

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