Malang Regency Regional Management Agency (BPBD) stated that heavy rains that occurred in Malang Regency, East Java caused two areas to experience floods.

Head of Emergency and Logistics BPBD Malang Regency Sadono Irawan said floods occurred in several hamlets in Sumbermjing Wetan District and Ampelgading District.

"Rain with moderate to high intensity since Thursday (6/7) resulted in overflowing water, floods reportedly occurred starting at 07.30 WIB," said Sadono as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 7.

Sadono explained that flooding occurred in Sitiarjo Village, Sumbermjing Wetan District and in Lebakharjo Village, in Sukomaju Hamlet and Krajan Hamlet, Ampelgading District due to the high intensity rain.

According to the flood that occurred in Sitiarjo Village, Sumbermjing Wetan Subdistrict was triggered by the overflow of the Heir River in Tegalrejo Village. The overflowing river water caused flooding in Sitiarjo Village and affected a number of families.

"There are approximately 22 houses affected," he said.

In addition to causing dozens of houses to be affected, the overflow flood also resulted in road access from Malang Regency to Sendangbiru Beach, where Sitiarjo Street access to Gedangan District was submerged in water.

"The water level ranges from 30 centimeters to one meter," he said.

He ensured that there were no casualties due to the overflow flood that occurred in Sumbermjing Wetan District. However, officers encountered problems due to power outages, difficulty accessing communication and a number of road accesses were still flooded.

"There were no casualties, injuries or displaced people. However, there were obstacles such as power outages, telephone signals as well. In addition, several road accesses are still inundated," he said.

Currently, the overflow flood has reportedly begun to recede, but the rain is still pouring down the area with light to moderate intensity. The Malang Regency BPBD joint team continues to monitor the development of the water discharge situation.

"Meanwhile, in Ampelgading District, the team is still collecting data in the field," he said.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has issued a report on the potential for extreme weather due to atmospheric disturbances in the East Java region. East Java is in the dry season with the dominant wind pattern from East to Southeast.

However, the presence of disturbances in the atmosphere has caused an increase in the potential for extreme weather in several areas in East Java. Based on the results of the latest analysis of atmospheric dynamics, it shows the active atmospheric disturbance Madden Julian Oscilation (MJO), Equatorial atmospheric waves Kelvin and Equatorial Rossby atmospheric waves.

This condition resulted in a potential increase in the growth of Cumulonimbus clouds which could trigger extreme weather such as heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds for a moment during the period 7-13 July 2023.

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