Padang - General Chairperson of the PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri conveyed greetings and enthusiasm to party cadres in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) who held a regional working meeting (Rakerda).
It is hoped that party cadres in West Sumatra will continue to fight with the fire of the spirit that never goes out as the proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno-Hatta.
Megawati's message was conveyed directly by the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto who was present in Padang City to open the Rakerda, Tuesday, July 4. More than 600 PDIP cadres from all over West Sumatra were present at the location.
"Greetings from Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri. Mrs. Mega conveyed the message that she really understands that the struggle in West Sumatra is not easy. Mrs. Mega said that her travel history also experienced a situation that was not much different from what the cadres in West Sumatra faced,” said Hasto via electronic messages received in Jakarta, Tuesday evening.
Hasto continued his story. Megawati said that she had campaigned in Demak Regency, Central Java, in 1987, where only 25 people attended, even though the stage was magnificent.
"Because it was not easy at that time for Soekarno's children to campaign for the PDI amid repressive pressure from the New Order regime, which prevented people from coming to the PDI campaign," added Hasto.
However, historical facts prove that in the midst of the pressure of Maha Dashyat, Megawati did not stop fighting and eventually brought PDIP to record in the nation's history by winning the election.
“ So Ibu Mega's message should never feel discouraged. In fact, in the midst of this condition full of hands, you will be trained with the spirit of Soekarnois who is full of struggle, ” said Hasto.
Hasto continued, the same fighting spirit was also carried out by the founding fathers of the nation, who came from West Sumatra. Like Bung Hatta, Tan Malaka, KH Agus Salim, and others. Together with Soekarno, the founding fathers of the nation trained themselves from childhood to prepare Indonesia's independence from Dutch colonies.
“Bung Karno, Bung Hatta, KH Agus Salim, and our nation's fathers succeeded in expelling the Dutch colonialists who were then one of the strongest in the world. So let's emulate the struggles of the nation's founders who since childhood, teenagers, have trained themselves with science, explored the thoughts of world leaders and designed Indonesian independence,” Hasto's review.
“Kita tahu satyam eva Jayate, bahwa ‘ pada akhirnya kebenaran akan menang’. Maka justru dalam situasi di bawah tantangan seperti ada penolakan, ada gengetan, kita tetap semangat,” tegas Hasto.
Hasto said the Rakerda was an event for West Sumatra PDIP cadres to design strategies and stages of election steps. With the regional meeting, PDIP will show that even though President Jokowi is rejected in West Sumatra, it still holds the confidence that the hearts of the people of West Sumatra will always be open with kindness.
"We will show that even though President Jokowi has not been widely accepted in West Sumatra, through the joint work and the presidential candidate of Mr. Ganjar Pranowo, we believe that as a human being who is devoted to God, people's hearts will always be open to the good of character. So as long as PDI-P cadres show their best performance in the midst of the people, no matter how hard the hand is faced, the eye will turn soft and the PDI-P will be accepted and reach the target in West Sumatra,” concluded Hasto.
The chairman of the West Sumatra PDIP DPD, Alex Indra Lukman, said that the West Sumatra PDIP is determined to fight hard and win the Legislative Election and the 2024 Presidential Election maximally. According to him, compared to previous elections, the solidity of the West Sumatra PDIP in facing the 2024 election is much better. It is marked that all legislative seats for all levels in West Sumatra are fully filled.
In addition, Alex also reported that one of the PDIP's strategies for West Sumatra was to fill out a fattar legislative candidate based on community id, a uniqueness in West Sumatra. “ We admit that the party-id is very low. The high one is the community-id. So it is based on the community. Therefore, the preparation of this candidate is based on the area of origin or the area of birth,” said Alex.
"One thing that we ensure is that all West Sumatra PDI-P troops in campaigning will install pictures of presidential and vice-presidential candidates according to the party's decision. Even though it was difficult then, it was difficult for us to give up and we will socialize Pak Ganjar Pranowo,” he concluded.
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