Tracing The Origin Of Jakarta's Name, From The Kingdoms Era In Nusantara To Japanese Colonialism
Jakarta City (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA - The city of Jakarta will turn 496 in 2023. It's hard to believe that this city, which is the center of the economy and the capital of Indonesia, will soon be 5 centuries old. The establishment of the City of Jakarta has a long history. What is the story of the origin of the name Jakarta?

The anniversary of Jakarta City is celebrated on June 22 every year. The determination of Jakarta's birthday date is inseparable from the history of the existence of the Portuguese in the Nusantara, long before the Dutch entered.

The name of the city of Jakarta was not suddenly born. Long before the name was confirmed, this metropolitan city experienced several name changes. Then what is the history or origin of the name Jakarta?

The Origins of the Name Jakarta

Tracing the history of the city of Jakarta, it is necessary to go far back to the era of the kingdoms in the Nusantara. The area in the northwest of Java Island became a route and anchorage for trade between countries at that time.

The name of this city continues to be changed in line with the changing power holders, starting from the Galuh-Pakuan Kingdom, the entry of the Portuguese, the Dutch colonial, to the Japanese occupation period.

Sunda Kelapa

It is said that the existence of this city has been sticking out since the 5th century when it was under the rule of the Tarumanegara Kingdom. Before being controlled by the Galuh-Pakuan Kingdom in the 12th century, this city was known as Sunda Kelapa. Based on the evidence of the Kebon Kopi Inscription (942), the name 'Sunda Kelapa' is estimated to have only appeared in the tenth century.

The history of the city of Jakarta was recorded by sailors from Europe in the 16th century. At that time, Jakarta became the main port in the Sunda Kingdom. This port is famous as a trading port where the Portuguese anchored. This port is known as Kelapa or Sunda Kelapa.


The name Sunda Kelapa was changed to Jayakarta in 1527. The name change was made after Prince Fatahillah succeeded in expelling the Portuguese from the land of Sunda Kelapa. Meanwhile, people from the West who visit this city call it 'Jacatra'.

Jayakarta City grew into a very busy port city at that time. Many traders from China, Arabia, India and Europe docked their ships in Jayakarta. They dock to exchange goods or commodities. However, this trade bustle also became a boomerang, where the Dutch wanted to dominate the Jayakarta region.


In 1619, the Dutch brought 1,000 troops to attack the Kingdoms of Banten and Jayakarta. The Dutch managed to conquer and control Jayakarta, then moved the trade union office (VOC) from Banten to Jayakarta. The Dutch changed the name of this city to Batavia.

The choice of the name Batavia was taken from the name of the Germanic ethnic who lived on the banks of the Rheif River. The name 'Bataf' is considered to symbolize the ancestors of the Dutch and Germans, namely the "Bataf" ethnicity. The Dutch government carried out developments in the City of Batavia so that it resembled the windmill country.

The name Batavia was used for a long time because the Dutch ruled Indonesia for centuries. Based on historical records, the name Batavia was used from 1619 (other sources say 1621) until 1942.


In 1942, Japan succeeded in expelling the Dutch from Indonesia in World War II. The Japanese government implemented a policy of de-Nederlandization or anti-everything Dutch. The name Batavia was changed to 'Djakarta' as an acronym for 'Djajakarta'.

In a book entitled "My Jakarta, Your Jakarta, Our Jakarta" by Lasmijah Hardi, the change of the name Batavia to 'Djakarta' was carried out on 8 December 1942 to coincide with the celebration of East Asia War Day. At that time, the city's full name was followed by a Japanese appendage, namely 'Jakarta Tokubetsu Shi'.

Several years later Japan lost in World War II and Indonesia succeeded in becoming independent. After independence, the name 'Jakarta' was still used by removing the Japanese appendages. The name Jakarta was later confirmed by Sudiro, the Mayor of Jakarta at that time.

Thus a review of the origin of the name Jakarta. The creation of the name Jakarta has a long history and is colored by historical events. From its beginnings as a trading port, Jakarta has grown quickly to become a bustling city for the center of the economy, business, tourism, and entertainment.

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