JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya facilitated public complaints that were victims of allegations of abuse of authority by unscrupulous investigators. This is because the case he reported regarding alleged fraud worth Rp22 billion stalled for 16 months.

Deputy Director of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Imam Yulisdianto who received an audience with Effendy Foekri as a victim. It is said that the communication has been conveyed if there are no developments in the fraud case reported on February 10, 2022.

Meanwhile, Effendy's report is registered with number P/B/733/II/2022/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA. The reported party in the report has the initials LHT.

"We were well received by Wadirkrimum some time ago, and he is grateful for this complaint, because it is for the improvement of the police. Moreover, this complaint has received attention from the Metro Jaya Police Chief," said the victim's lawyer, Odie Hudiyanto to reporters, Wednesday, June 21.

After the hearing, AKBP Imam was said to have asked Effendy Foekri to make an official complaint to Propam. Thus, the alleged abuse of authority of the investigator can be thoroughly investigated.

"Wadir asked the reporter to make a report to the Propam, irwasda and the National Police Headquarters. Later if it is slow, Wadir will encourage the report to be accelerated and even the Head of Propam Polda Metro Jaya is ready to wait for a report from the reporter," said Odie.

On a different occasion, the Head of Propam Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Bhirawa Braja Paksa confirmed that there was information about an alleged violation in handling the case. Thus, the injured party was asked to make an official complaint.

"Please report the complaint at the Propam Bid Polda Metro Jaya. I invite the reporter to be present at the Propam Head's room, Monday, June 25, 2023 at 14.00 WIB," said Bhirawa.

Bhirawa also promised to follow up on the alleged violation. So, the problem can be resolved.

"We just received it today, we will prepare the investigators. We will follow up," said Bhirawa.

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