West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Governor Zulkieflimansyah conveyed that his successor was entirely President Jokowi's prerogative.

This was emphasized by Zulkieflimansyah in line with the end of the position of Governor and Deputy Governor of NTB Sitti Rohmi Djalilah on 19 September.

"Later, the DPRD proposes and the executive only proposes but still determines the president," said Zulkieflimansyah in Mataram, NTB, Monday, June 19, confiscated by Antara.

He explained that being a PJ has the conditions. One of them has an echelon I position in the region or at the center.

"Being a PJ, there are conditions. Echelon I and echelon I in NTB must also be limited, there is Mr. Secretary of NTB there is the Chancellor of Mataram University (Unram), there is the Chancellor of Mataram State Islamic University (UIN) and Secretary General of DPD RI Lalu Nikman," he explained.

However, the issue of nominating the Acting Governor of NTB is still too far to talk about. Because there is still one more month, namely July 2023.

"So I've never heard of this because maybe in July there will be talks. But even if there are names, I think PJ candidates are very capable. So it's not very difficult, so it could be," said Bang Zul, the nickname of the Governor of NTB.

Asked about who deserves to be PJ considering that of the three names in the area, two of them are the Chancellor of UIN Mataram Prof. Masnun Tahir and Unram Chancellor Prof. Bambang have not met the criteria because they are not structural officials of echelon I, but non-structural officials. Zulkieflimansyah stated that everything was feasible. It's just that it's back again depending on who will be proposed to go up by the legislature and executive.

"From NTB, only three people can. But if the Regional Secretary is included in the criteria, it's just the Regional Secretary," he said.

"But it's just a matter of how the input will be from the DPRD and others. Maybe it can be from other circles such as the TNI or Police. But you have to resign from your position, whether you want to resign, we will see. So it's still enough time," he said.

Meanwhile, the NTB DPRD has begun to accept a number of proposed PJ names proposed by a number of groups through the legislature.

"There have been several names that have entered. There are five or six names. The proposed three names will be," said the chairman of the NTB DPRD, Baiq Isvie Rupaeda.

Nevertheless, Isvie was reluctant to mention the names of the candidates for the Acting Governor of NTB.

"I'll just mention his name later. It's unethical if I call it now," he said.

This NTB DPRD member from the East Lombok Regency electoral district does not deny that many figures want to be Acting Governor of NTB. Not only from the regions, but also other names from outside NTB also have the same desire.

"Many people from outside the region also ask," explained Isvie.

However, Isvie hopes that later the central government can choose the original NTB as PJ. The reason is, Isvie admits that it is the original NTB who understands the complexity of problems in the regions the most.

"We should (regional people, ed), we hope for that. It's time for local people to get their rights," he said.

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