JAKARTA - The Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR continues to encourage the acceleration of the discussion of the Draft Law on the Protection of Domestic Workers (RUU PPRT) after the increasing number of cases of violence to workers.

"The case of exploitation of household workers such as threats of physical, psychological, sexual violence, has arrived at a critical condition to immediately have an umbrella for settlement regulations through the law. It is non-negotiable, the PPRT Law must be completed immediately," said Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the DPR, Willy Aditya, Tuesday, June 6.

As is known, recently a PRT revealed the torture carried out by its employer in a luxury apartment in the Simprug area, South Jakarta. The victim admitted that his body was covered with chili sauce to his vital organs.

In addition, the persecution case also happened to PRT in Bandar Lampung which was carried out by his employer. The perpetrator is a mother and child where 2 victims of domestic violence have worked for three months. The two perpetrators committed violence such as hitting the victim's cheek and head, and kicking the victim.

"Protecting PRT friends is a state responsibility that should not be distinguished from other citizens. The National Police must ensure the safety of victims, including their families, in order to obtain their rights without intimidation from any party," said Willy.

The legislator from the East Java XI electoral district is committed to continuing to oversee the discussion of the PPRT Bill. Willy said that Indonesia should have a special umbrella to protect domestic workers, including Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in the domestic worker sector who also often experience violence at their place of work.

"We at the DPR are committed to accelerating the discussion of the PPRT Bill so that it will immediately become a legal umbrella to handle every case of exploitation and violence that befell PRT," he said.

Willy views that the presence of the PPRT Law is also important to emphasize the protection of women and children. Given that domestic violence is the type of work that is mostly done by women and not a few minors are undergoing this profession.

"This is a type of job that is often considered natural. But it turns out that a lot of violence has occurred in it. Rigid legal umbrellas will ensure the safety and welfare of domestic workers who have often been neglected," said Willy.

On the other hand, the DPR hopes that all levels of society will increase literacy and action regarding the protection of domestic workers, including cases of violence that occurred. Willy said it was very important to support the community because many PRT victims did not dare to speak up because they were afraid of the employer's power.

"We hope that all stakeholders work hand in hand and work together to provide protection to domestic workers who are victims of violence. Helping them at the beginning will be very helpful", the Chair of the Working Committee for the PPRT Bill appealed.

"People should not hesitate to report to the legal apparatus if they find an incident of violence against domestic workers in their immediate environment," concluded Willy.

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