Judge Reveals Vice Chancellor, Head Of Public Relations To Unila Lecturers Take Responsibility In Bribery Case
The trial of the bribery case in Unila (ANTARA/Dian Hadiyatna

The panel of judges at the Tanjungkarang District Court who chaired the trial of the defendant's decision on the alleged bribery case for accepting new students (PMB) from the University of Lampung (Unila) assessed that there were other parties who must take responsibility in the case.

"We consider that there should be other parties who are responsible for the 2022 PMB Unila bribery case," said the Chief Justice of the Panel of Judges, Achmad Rifai when reading the verdicts of the defendants Heryandi and M. Basri, at the Tanjungkarang District Court, Bandar Lampung, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 26.

The Panel of Judges revealed that other parties who should have been responsible for their actions were witness Asep Sukohar (former Chancellor of Unila), witness Budi Sutomo (Head of Public Relations and Planning Unila), witness Mualimin (Unila lecturer), witness Hemy Fitriawan (Dekan Faculty of Engineering Unila), and other bribe givers.

"The parties in question were revealed in the facts of the trial, but were not named suspects or defendants along with former Chancellor of Unila Karomani, Vice Chancellor 1 Unila Heryandi, Senate Chairperson of Unila Muhammad Basri, and private party as briber Andi Desfiandi," he said.

According to Chief Judge Achmad Rifai, the actions of the other parties were the same as the three defendants had tarnished the name of the Unila academic community together.

"Their actions (other parties) have also harmed the world of education as a whole," he said.

Responding to this, after reading the verdict of the former Unila Chancellor, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Dian Hamis said that he would first discuss it with the head of his institution.

"Just wait for the next developments, because from some of the names, there are those who are selected who fulfill the evidence and we need to discuss it again and make a report on the results of the trial first," he said.

In the trial at the Tanjungkarang District Court for the 2022 PMB Unila bribery case, the former Unila Chancellor was sentenced to 10 years in prison and former Vice Chancellor 1 Unila Heryandi and former Senate Chairperson Muhammad Basri were each sentenced to four years and six months in prison.

It was previously reported that the Panel of Judges in the trial of the bribery case of the former Chancellor of the University of Lampung (Unila) sentenced the defendant Andi Desfiandi to one year and four months in prison.

Andi Desfiandi became a defendant in the alleged bribery case against the former Chancellor of UnilaProf. Dr. Karomani for the acceptance of new students in Unila in 2022.

In this case, the KPK has named four suspects consisting of three people as bribe recipients, namely Prof. Dr. Karomani, Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Unila Heryandi, and Chair of the Unila Senate Muhammad Basri.

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