JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Health Office is coordinating with the Inspectorate and Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) regarding sanctions for the Head of the Epidemiologist and Immunization Surveillance Section of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Ngabila Salama, which went viral after showing off his salary of Rp. 34 million.
"In principle, everything written by Mrs. Ngabila has been clarified, we have checked, we have sent the report and are coordinating further with the BKD and the Inspectorate," said Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service (Dinkes) Ani Ruspitawati as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 23.
Ani could not confirm the sanctions that would be given to Ngabila. "So it hasn't come out yet, the examination has not been completed. Anyway, we have done the report from the Health Office," said Ani.
Regarding the deactivation of Ngabila from her position, Ani said, the imposition of sanctions would refer to the applicable rules.
"Oh it can't be that easy (disabling Ngabila from her position), later we will see what the rules are, what is violated. We continue to coordinate with the Inspectorate, the Health Service cannot (determine) alone," said Ani.
Ngabila Salamamema posted the amount of his salary on his Twitter account, @Ngabila. In his upload on May 15, 2023, the @Ngabila account uploaded the following statement:
"I am a friend of the Minister of Health at any time we can criticize at any time. I am not his subordinate. ASN is if you want to look at his boss, who is promoting," wrote Ngabila.
"I have echelon 4 in DKI THP for 34 million a month, why are you tired of being an echelon for two ministries. If you don't know me, don't be my favorite. It must be wrong," wrote Ngabilagi.
However, the upload was deleted by Ngabila. Ngabila realized showing off his salary was an unwise attitude and he apologized for his behavior.
"I also apologize profusely to all parties who have also harmed my agency for this unwise act," he said.
"May Allah always provide convenience, rizki, success for all my brothers who read," Ngabila said in his tweet.
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