NTB - Police are investigating the cause of the fire in the kitchen furniture supplier's warehouse in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The loss from the incident is estimated at more than IDR 1 billion.

"What caused this fire was due to an electrical short or something else, we are still investigating," said Head of the Mataram Police, Kombes Pol. Mustofa in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday, May 23, confiscated by Antara.

He said the police had held a crime scene investigation and examined witnesses. "So, there is one person who lives in this place (the warehouse), from the person concerned we will investigate later. For casualties, zero," he added.

The fire that hit the furniture warehouse on Jalan Ramayana, Cakranegara District, Mataram, occurred on Monday, May 21, at around 24.00 WITA.

After the fire grew, police officers together with firefighters, the TNI, Satpol-PP, and local residents helped extinguish the fire.

Officers and residents who extinguish the fire can only tame the red rooster on Tuesday, May 22, at around 03.30 WITA.

Mustofa said that the cause of the fire quickly spread through the building and all the contents of the warehouse.

"The fire spread quickly because more of the items in the warehouse were made of plastic. That's about 85 percent of the items made of plastic," he said.

This was corroborated by the owner of the kitchen furniture, Bagus Sulistyo. He admitted that most of his belongings in the warehouse were made of plastic.

"Yes, the contents of the kitchen furniture are made of plastic. Our provision is that the fire occurred due to an electrical short," said Bagus.

He said the person who lived in the warehouse was his nephew. From the witness, Bagus conveyed that the fire first appeared on the back of the building.

"So, the nephew saw a fire emerging from the back. After finding out, he got up and came out to report it to local residents," he said.

Bagus also conveyed that this warehouse was previously an boarding house with 18 rooms. The construction of the room building was rows and connected to each other.

"We suspect that, because electricity from one room to another is connected, so there was a short circuit at the same time so that the fire spread quickly," he said.

For the loss, Bagus admitted that he had not calculated it completely. However, he estimated that the value of the burned goods reached more than Rp. 1 billion.

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