JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya said the birthday party which was attended by Raffi Ahmad did not fulfill the elements of Article 93 concerning Health Quarantine. This was confirmed after conducting a case title.

"So that the juridical reasons for Article 93 in conjunction with Article 9 of Law number 6 of 2018 concerning health quarantine are not fulfilled based on the results of the case title, including regional regulations and regulations from the Ministry of Health," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Thursday, January 21.

The element of violation was not fulfilled, said Yusri, because the event did not involve many people. Although the number of invited guests is 18 people, the house that is used as the location of the event has a capacity of 200 to 300 people.

In addition, the event also implements health protocols. This is because the invited guests must undergo a series of medical examinations, including a swab test.

"Because it is privacy (personal), but 18 people attended but it has been carried out with a good health process, such as temperature tests, antigen swabs and there is no invitation, friends came spontaneously without being invited to the residence of GR's brother," said Yusri.

With no evidence of this violation, said Yusri, the investigation process for the alleged violation of the health protocol was terminated.

"Because the threat of article was not fulfilled, there were not enough 2 pieces of evidence in accordance with Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code, so the investigation was terminated," said Yusri.

The crowd involving Raffi Ahmad started sticking out after his photo was spread on social media for some time. In fact, Raffi's involvement in the crowd was after he got the chance to get the first vaccination at the State Palace.

In the photo circulating, Raffi Ahmad and his wife, Nagita Slavina, took a photo without wearing a mask and keeping a distance from a number of people, including Gading Marten and Anya Geraldine.

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