JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) said that the distribution of subsidized fuel and compensation must be right on target and on volume, because it uses APBN funds.

"BPH Migas continues to strive to ensure the distribution of subsidized fuel and compensation using this state money according to its designation," said Member of the BPH Migas Committee Abdul Halim in his statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 8.

According to him, BPH Migas is also always oriented towards the ease of accessing subsidized fuel to the entire community safely, smoothly, and not being misused.

"Therefore, local governments and the community also play an important role in carrying out joint supervision so that the distribution of subsidized fuel is right on target, right on volume, and right on use," added Halim on the sidelines of the "Sinergi BPH Migas and DPR" activity in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Saturday (6/7).

Halim explained that the quota for certain types of fuel (JBT), namely diesel oil in 2024 for West Kalimantan Province, was determined in accordance with the projected needs of the community.

As of May 2024, the realization of diesel oil in West Kalimantan Province has reached 41.80 percent.

Furthermore, BPH Migas maintains the availability of subsidized fuel by conducting intensive communication with local governments in order to evaluate the needs of JBT diesel oil in the region, namely by asking for user consumer data every quarter in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014 concerning Provision, Distribution, and Retail Selling Prices of Oil Fuel.

In addition, according to the Regulation of BPH Migas Number 3 of 2023 concerning Assignment of Business Entities in the Provision and Distribution of Certain Types of Oil Fuel (JBT) and Types of Assignment Special Oil Fuel (JBKP), BPH Migas conducted an evaluation of the quarterly distribution of JBT and JBKP carried out by the assignment business entity PT Pertamina (Persero) cq PT Pertamina Patra Niaga and PT AKR Corporindo Tbk, including the distribution agency to ensure that it is right on target and right on volume.

In addition, Halim continued, as part of efforts to distribute subsidized fuel on target and on volume, BPH Migas encourages recommendation letter issuers to use the XStar application in order to digitize the issued recommendation letters.

The use of the application makes it easier for publisher agencies because it has been integrated between BPH Migas, local governments, and assignment business entities.

"So, it is more measurable and well documented, as well as the right volume, right benefits, and right on target for users," he said.

Meanwhile, in the context of monitoring and coaching gas stations, BPH Migas through the Decree of the Head of BPH Migas Number 64/KPTS/KA/BPH MIGAS/KOM/2023 concerning Guidelines for the Guidance of Supervision Results to Distributors in the Distribution of Certain Types of Oil Fuel and Types of Assignment Special Oil Fuel, including providing recommendations for sanctions in the form of temporary suspension of distribution to gas stations that are proven to have abused subsidized fuel.

"Subsidi uses state budget funds, so it must be accountable for its utilization," said Halim.

Furthermore, he also asked that if the public saw allegations of misuse of subsidized fuel and compensation, needed further explanation of the making of recommendation letters, as well as complaints related to other oil and gas BPH services, could be submitted through Helpdesk BPH Migas.

"Don't hesitate to submit a complaint via Helpdesk BPH Migas at 081200000136. We will immediately follow up," said Halim.

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