Sukabumi City Police arrested a young man with the initials MINI (23) in a former terminal land area on Jalan Raya Jendral Sudirman, Sukabumi City, West Java for carrying a sharp sickle weapon. "We arrested the young man during an enhanced routine activity (KRYD). Where the arrest was when joint officers conducted an examination of a number of youths hanging out on the former terminal in Benteng Village, Warudoyong District," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo in Sukabumi, Antara, Sunday, July 7. According to Ari, initially the officer who carried out the raid asked MINI, who is a resident of Pasirhalang Village, Sukaraja District, Sukabumi Regency, to show the motorbike ownership documents but was unable to show them and then a search was carried out. After being searched, it turned out that MINI was caught carrying a sharp weapon of the type of sickle which according to information was used just in case. As a result of the possession of sharp weapons, not the designation, the person concerned was taken to the Sukabumi City Police Headquarters and handed over to the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim. As a result of his actions, MINI is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 10 years according to the article applied, namely Article 2 of the Emergency Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 1951. In addition to stabbing a young man for carrying a sharp weapon is not an designation, his party also confiscated three motorbikes that were not equipped with driving documents such as STNK, where one motorcycle belonged to the suspect. Then the search from the results of the police search confiscated 15 bottles of alcoholic beverages of various brands, with details of two bottles confiscated during an examination of a group of youths, one of whom was found carrying sharp weapons, while the other 13 bottles were confiscated from herbal medicine stalls. The Head of Public Relations of the Sukabumi City Police, Iptu Astuti Setyaningsih, appealed to the public not to do things that could violate the law, such as carrying sharp weapons, not in their place or designation, avoiding alcoholic beverages and drug abuse, and maintaining the conduciveness of security and social order in their respective environments.
If anyone sees or knows of a disturbance in the security and social order, they can immediately report it to the nearest security officer via a call center at 110 or Report Mr. Police-SIAP MAS at 0811654110.

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