JEMBER - As many as three regional hospitals in Jember Regency, namely RSD Dr. Soebandi, RSD Balung, and RSD Kalisat, were affected due to the absence of a Regent Regulation or Regional Regulation concerning the Jember Regional Budget (APBD) for the 2021 Fiscal Year.

Director of RSD Dr. Soebandi Jember, Dr. Hendro Soelistijono, said the hospital has a unique financial flexibility that is different from the presidential regulation that regulates it.

"As long as there is no regent's decree for budget users, we cannot use the budget, but there are things that we cannot postpone which can impact services, must be paid for," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 20.

The Regent of Jember Faida has submitted a 2021 Regional Budget to the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa in early January 2021, but was rejected because the budget was almost the same as the perda. The Jember Regency Government was then asked to make a revision with a mandatory, routine and binding budget, but the revision had not been carried out by the Jember Regent Faida.

According to Hendro, there were several things that could not be postponed, including the payment of electricity bills, telephone, water and operational needs for medicine, so his party used a decree (SK) from the director of RSD Dr. Soebandi to use the hospital budget.

"We have already called the Supreme Audit Agency regarding this matter. The point is we cannot use hospital money without a budget user decree, but because it is urgent, we are welcome," he said.

Hendro explained that the status of the three regional hospitals in Jember is a public service agency (BLU), so that hospital revenues only "stop by" in the APBD budget, before being used again by the hospital.

"So far the service has not been disrupted, but there are limits that cannot be exceeded for using the budget, such as maintenance of a leaking building temporarily we postponed because I think it is not urgent," he said.

Hendro estimates that the operational needs of Dr. Soebandi's RSD will be safe until the end of January 2021 because his party has a formulary that prioritizes urgent needs only in using the budget before the stipulation of Perbup or Perda APBD Jember 2021.

A similar sentiment was also conveyed by the Director of RSD Kalisat, drg. Kunin Nasihah, who said that his party was still waiting for the budget user decree from the Perbup or Jember Regional Budget for Fiscal Year 2021, but for routine and binding needs he had to use a director's decree.

"The Director's Decree is to disburse the budget in paying for routine needs, such as water, electricity and telephone bills while waiting for the budget user Decree to come down," he said.

For matters relating to third parties, he continued, the Kalisat RSD management will arrange for postponement of payments so that the work can still be done.

"We have issued a budget for crucial matters that will have an impact on hospital services, but it is hoped that the 2021 Regional Budget Regulation (Perbup) can be set soon," said Kunin.

The absence of the 2021 APBD in Jember has not resulted in the termination of health services at regional hospitals, but operational costs for hospitals have become choked up.

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