The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard (PVMBG) reported that Mount Anak Krakatau on Saturday, May 13 at 07.10 WIB, erupted again, ejecting volcanic ash with an ash column height of approximately 2,000 meters above the peak or about 2,157 meters above sea level. "The ash column was observed grayish with thick intensity leaning towards the southwest," said Andi Suardi, Head of the Mount Anak Krakatau Monitoring Post in Hargopancuran, Rajabasa District, South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. According to PVMBG information broadcast, the volcanic eruption in the waters of Selat Sundanese, Lampung Province, was recorded as having a maximum amplitude of 65 mm and a duration of 68 seconds.

Saat dihubungi dari di Kalianda, Andi menyampaikan bahwa masyarakat dan nelayan diminta tidak mendekati Gunung Anak Krakatau atau beraktivitas di area dalam radius lima kilometer dari kawah aktif."Saat ini Gunung Anak Krakatau berada pada level III atau Siaga," katanya, dikutip Antara.Pada Jumat 12 Mei pukul 23.20 WIB, Gunung Anak Krakatau juga mengalami erupsi, melontarkan abu vulkanik dengan tinggi kolom abu kurang lebih 1.500 meter di atas puncak gunung atau sekitar 1.657 meter di atas permukaan laut. Erupsi itu terekam seismograf memiliki amplitudo maksimum 70 mm dan durasi 86 detik.

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