Bogor City Police revealed that ASR alias Tukul, the main suspect in the stabbing of a class X vocational school student Bina Warga named Arya Saputra at Simpang Pomad, Jalan Raya Jakarta-Bogor, had moved twice during his two months of escape until he was finally arrested.
Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso said ASR was afraid after seeing the incident went viral and was handled by the police. The day after the stabbing, the perpetrator immediately fled.
"This perpetrator went to Cianjur, met the shaman hoping he could not be caught. Then he went to the Kampung Rambutan Terminal in Jakarta to Yogyakarta," said Kombes Bismo when revealing the case at the Bogor City Police Headquarters, Antara, Friday, May 12.
ASR considers Yogyakarta to be an area with a low cost of living so he went to the area for the past two months. ASR is armed with the money for making his friends' jackets of Rp. 1 million which he brought for costs while in Yogya. He took the money away for a long time.
Arriving in Yogyakarta, ASR sleeps from moving to the terminal, then becomes a busker. When arrested by the police in the Bantul area, Yogyakarta Special Region, on Thursday, May 11 afternoon, ASR was starting work at a noodle shop.
The police arrested ASR while serving customers at the shop where he worked without a fight. During his escape, said Kombes Bismo, the ASR family did not know the location of his son's whereabouts and did not communicate at all after the stabbing incident.
ASR became the main perpetrator of the stabbing of Arya Saputra because his friends MA and SA felt challenged by group A who uploaded a photo on the homepage of ASR's friends group social media accounts.
The three of them are friends who slashed the US in the traffic light area of Simpang Pomad intersection, Ciparigi Village, North Bogor District, on Friday, March 10, 2023, at 9.30 WIB.
The three of them used a motorbike from the direction of Cibinong and immediately grabbed a long sword towards the US who was on the median road together with his friends about to cross.
Arya Saputra was the victim of the wrong target because the target of ASR and his friends was A who challenged them through their Instagram social media account, but at that time A was not at the location.
"So, at first he was invited because there was a challenge A alias Ambon, not just a tribal name, but a designation, because he posted photos on social media groups from his friends," explained Kombes Bismo.
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