BANDA ACEH - The Idi District Court, East Aceh Regency, Aceh began to hear the case of farmers in the area poisoning the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) until the protected animal died.
The trial took place at the Idi District Court, East Aceh, Thursday (11/5), with the chairman of the panel of judges Tri Purnama and member judge Zaik Anwarsand Reza Bastira Siregar.
Reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 11, the defendant, Syl (38), a resident of Kreung Baung Hamlet, Peunaron Lama Village, Peunaron District, East Aceh Regency attended a virtual trial from the Idi Penitentiary.
The inaugural trial was with the agenda of hearing the indictments of the East Aceh District Prosecutor (JPU), Septeddy Endra Wijaya, Harry Arfhan, and M.Iqbal Zakwan.
In the indictment, the Public Prosecutor stated that the defendant deliberately killed by poisoning the Sumatran tiger. The defendant sprinkled pest poison on the carcass of a goat which was then eaten by a tiger.
For this action, the defendant violated Article 40 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 21 Paragraph (2) letter a of Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems.
After listening to the prosecutor's indictment, the defendant stated that he did not file a memorandum of objection or exception. The panel of judges continued the trial on Thursday (18/5) with the agenda of hearing witness statements.
The Leuser Conservation Forum (FKL) team received a report that four goats died because they were eaten by tigers in the Peunaron Lama area, Tuesday (21/2), at around 15:10 WIB.
The community together with the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) team, FKL, and village officials then moved to the goat location which was reported dead on Wednesday (23/2).
At that location, the joint team found the carcass of the goat. When they were about to bury the carcass, the team found the tiger carcass not far from the goat pen.
The joint team then searched the location where the Sumatran tiger carcass was found and found plastic bags containing pest poison or insecticides.
The findings were reported to the East Aceh Police. Subsequently, the police arrested Sy, the owner of the goat. Based on the examination, Sy admitted that she had sowed poison pests in the carcass of a goat which was then eaten by a ters tiger
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