BOGOR - Bogor City Police, West Java, submitted a notification letter for violations of foreign nationals (foreigners) from Saudi Arabia with the initials TM which went viral blocking the PKS ambulance carrying critical patients to the Class I Immigration Office Non TPI Bogor for follow-up.
Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso handed over the notification letter for the violation of foreigners to the Head of the Class I Immigration Office Non TPI Bogor Ruhiyat M Tolib.
"And (holding the letter) this is a letter from the Bogor City Police to the head of the Immigration office and I submit it," said the Police Chief as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 10.
In front of the police, TM and the ambulance driver of the Bogor City PKS DPD, Rudianto, hugged each other warmly, stating that they had forgiven each other, regardless of being fined to TM and sent a letter to the Immigration authorities.
Bismo explained in the letter that the TM violation of the Road Transport Traffic Law of Law No. 22 of 2009 article 287, which does not provide the main rights for motorized vehicles that use warning tools with sounds and rays for ambulances, has been subject to fines.
TM has paid a fine of Rp. 250 thousand which went into the Indonesian state treasury.
"Later, of course, with evidence of traffic violations and having also been notified to the Immigration authorities, of course, it will be studied further between agencies," he said.
Head of the Class I Immigration Office of Non TPI Bogor Ruhiyat M Tolib conveyed that in the case of foreigners, the Immigration Office needs to clarify the guarantor's accountability, namely his wife, to determine the follow-up to TM.
"Because this person holds a permanent permit, it means that this foreigner has a guarantor and guarantor who is responsible for activities and whereabouts (TM). Maybe we will then communicate with the guarantor," said Ruhiyat.
Ruhiyat explained that regarding the existence of TM or his residence permit in Indonesia, he was waiting for the results of the interview with his wife.
According to Immigration regulations, said Ruhiyat, for foreigners who have permanent residence permits or limited stay permits, there must be results of examinations from the guarantor and TM side not necessarily deported.
"Not yet (not necessarily deportation). The consideration will be from the guarantor. It could be a humanitarian consideration so Immigration considerations," he explained.
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