The police finally detained the perpetrators of the fuel oil (BBM) which had caused a car fire incident on Jalan Sulawesi, Pasar Pagi Village, Samarinda Kota, East Kalimantan (Kaltim).
"Today (Tuesday 9 May) we detained the perpetrators of the fuel implementation that caused a car fire at Pagi Market. The perpetrators came alone to surrender," said Samarinda Police Chief Kombes Pol Ary Fadli in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Tuesday, May 9, confiscated by Antara.
He revealed that the incident started with a Kijang Innova car with the number KT-1222-AG on fire that night. After being examined, there were several jerry cans on fire and a tank that had been modified with a capacity of 100-150 liters.
Basically, he said, the car was deliberately used to carry out Pertalite-type business activities without a permit through a mini-pum. The perpetrator has a grocery store on Antasari Street Samarinda.
"The perpetrator made purchases at the gas station, then transferred them to jerry cans with the intention of being resold in retail," said Ary Fadli.
In this incident, the police have succeeded in securing a suspect named Jusman alias Juse (34) who surrendered in early May 2023 with one person still on the wanted list (DPO).
From that incident, he said, several pieces of evidence had been secured, namely 1 unit of a burning Kijang Innova car and eight jerry cans with a capacity of 70 liters that were burned as well.
To account for his actions, Jusman is suspected of Article 40 of the provisions 80 in conjunction with Article 53 of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas.
"Threats for oil and gas crimes for 5 years and/or criminal threats result in fires for 5 years," he said.
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