Central Java (Central Java) Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno agreed to build village independence. In Central Java, said Ganjar, many villages can be used as examples of their independence.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after the TPAKD meeting in Central Java with the theme 'Accelerated Recovery and Economic Development in Central Java Through Village Economic Independence' at the Gumaya Semarang hotel, Thursday, April 27.

During the event, Ganjar and Sandiaga were speakers. The two discussed the progress of the tourist village in Central Java. In addition, Ganjar also discussed the 29 anti-corruption villages that were formed in Central Java.

"So now the villages are quite successful, SMEs are quite successful, we show other efforts at the local level that are quite successful so that others just need to imitate," said Ganjar.

Ganjar said that there have been good examples in terms of tourism village development, creative economy, MSMEs, including success in terms of financial inclusiveness including literacy.

The two-term Central Java governor also said that currently villages do not need to imagine their managerial models, packaging, and marketing. Because currently there are many access facilities, only need to be improved education and socialization.

"But the inclusivity is quite high, already above 80 percent, we hope this will be an indicator that in small and medium businesses, tourism villages or other businesses can actually be encouraged by imitating," he said.

Meanwhile, Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno said village independence could support the acceleration of economic recovery after the pandemic. He gave an example of the existence of a tourist village that effectively creates jobs for the community.

"So I express my high appreciation. Hopefully this recovery will continue and indeed there is a global economic dynamic, but I am sure that if we work together and collaborate, this economic recovery will continue and our development will be accelerated," he said.

In Central Java itself, Sandiaga said, there are many tourist villages that can be used as a pilot for village independence. One of them is Lerep Tourism Village, Semarang Regency and Villages in Magelang, precisely around Borobudur Super Priority Destinations.

"We have recorded all tourist villages here and increased significantly and this tourist village has superior creative economy products and can produce one acceleration of economic independence which is indeed a program rather than OJK," said Sandi.

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