The Indonesian Ombudsman confirmed that he would study the report on the alleged maladministration of KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri conveyed by Brigadier General Endar Priantoro regarding his dismissal as Director of KPK Investigation. The report was submitted today, Monday, April 17.
"We from the Ombudsman have received well, we have seen various standard things from the process of receiving reports at the Ombudsman where we see the reporting side, legal standing. Of course, it is also reported in this case that the KPK leadership," said RI Ombudsman Member Robert Na Endi Jaweng at the Indonesian Ombudsman Building, Jakarta, Monday, April 17.
Robert confirmed that the report had been accompanied by evidence. Endar has also explained the removal incident in detail when reporting.
"A number of things have been conveyed earlier, which are test stones at the Ombudsman related to allegations of maladministration in the process of dismissing Mr. Endar from his status as a KPK employee," he said.
After the study is complete, the Ombudsman will hold a plenary meeting. If the formal and material requirements are met, the inspection process will be carried out.
Later, Robert will be in charge of investigating the alleged maladministration. "If later the plenary leadership decides that this can be continued in the examination process, it will enter me, as the supervisor of the leadership who oversees the field of staffing," he explained.
"Of course later we will check further and the results will certainly be submitted to the KPK as the reported party and also to Mr. Endar as the reporter," continued Robert.
Previously, Endar officially reported the leadership, Secretary General, and Head of the KPK HR Bureau to the Indonesian Ombudsman. He suspects that maladministration occurred when he was dismissed as Director of Investigation of the KPK.
In addition, he reported KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri and KPK Secretary General Cahya H. Harefa to the KPK Supervisory Board. Then, Endar also reported other alleged violations such as leaking documents for investigating alleged corruption at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to forcing the manufacture of documents even though the title of the case or exposure had not been carried out.
Endar was honorably dismissed from the position of Director of Investigation on March 31 after he was returned to the National Police. However, the Bhayangkara Corps member was instead asked to return to the KPK according to the order of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.
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