JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has conducted a case involving Yudo Andreawan. As a result, the big man was named a suspect in the persecution case. "Sudah (berstatus tersangka, red)," ujar Kasubdit Ranmor Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Polda Metro Jaya Kompol Yuliansyah kepada wartawan, Jumat, 14 April In this case, Yudo abused his colleague with the initials R. The reason was trivial, he did not accept his friend leaving the Whatsapp group he made. "It was reported the actions of 335 (and 351 of the Criminal Code) of unpleasant acts and persecution,” he said. The persecution began when Yudo entered several of his colleagues' Whatsapp accounts into the group. Because, he is getting married in the near future. Hanya, rekan Yudo yang berinisial R itu keluar dari grup tersebut. Sebab, pernikahan Yudo hanya kebohongan. However, the big man did not accept it. So, Yudo put R's account back into the group. "In the Whatsapp Group, it is stated that Y will have a marriage even though in fact there is no marriage," he said. "The victim felt uncomfortable and didn't want to join the group, he left the group and then added it again, left again several times," continued Yuliansyah. Until finally, Yudo was annoyed and cursed R in the group. To solve the problem, the two agreed to meet at a hotel. The meeting was not a forum for solving problems. In fact, the two were involved in a dispute.
"Meeting a dispute, there was a beating, slashing, kicking, being separated by security being taken to the post, at the post it happened again, the victim was thrown with a title on the claw and smeared. After that the victim reported to Polda Metro Jaya," said Yuliansyah.

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