KUPANG - The East Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office has arrested Muhammad Achyar for being involved in a scandal over the sale of a 30-hectare government land in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency.
Head of the NTT High Prosecutor's Office, Yulianto, said the suspect was arrested by the investigating team of the NTT Prosecutor's Office while in Jakarta, Thursday, January 14.
After the arrest, the suspect was flown to Kupang on Friday, January 15 in the morning to undergo examination by corruption investigators of the NTT High Court.
"The suspect has been officially detained by the NTT High Prosecutor's Office," said Yulianto as quoted by Antara.
Yulianto refused to explain the role of the suspect Muhammad Achyar, who works as a lawyer in the case of the sale of land assets belonging to the West Manggarai Regency Government which cost the state Rp1.3 trillion.
"The suspect's role has become the domain of investigators. Everything will be conveyed in court," said Yulianto.
According to Yulianto, Muhammad Achyar was jointly involved with 15 other suspects in the scandal over the sale of government land assets in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai.
In this case, the East Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office has named 16 suspects including the West Manggarai Regent, Agustinus Ch Dulla, in the 30-hectare sale of land assets by the West Manggarai government.
The NTT High Prosecutor's Office has detained 13 suspects at the Class II A Kupang Detention Center (Rutan).
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