Pastor Says Easter Is The Momentum For People's Transformation To Be Better
Easter illustration (Photo: Antara)

The head of the St Theresia Church Parish, Bongsari Semarang, Father Eduardus Didik Cahyono SJ, said that Easter is a momentum for people to transform themselves for the better.

"We are invited to bring an update, transform ourselves to be better in everyday life," said Father Didik when delivering the Easter message, in Semarang, Friday, quoted by Antara.

On this year's Easter message, he said, the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) and the Indonesian Bishops' Conference (KWI) took the theme "He Prior to You to Galilean: Don't be afraid!".

According to him, the Easter message reflects that Easter invites people to rise and not be afraid to bring better changes in line with the momentum of the rise of Jesus Christ.

"Why Kingdom? Kingdom is the first place that students call God. Jesus meets them, making them a student. Let's bring revival in everyday life," he said.

Father Didik said that the long struggle of Jesus and his total sacrifice in giving love can inspire many people in their respective fields of life.

"A politician, for example, how to ignite love for others, be humble, and serve. How to serve the community with a sincere inner attitude," he said.

According to him, Jesus taught to continue to defend the truth and do good, even though he was hurt. This is expected to inspire people in their daily lives.

At this year's Easter commemoration, the Bongsari Semarang Church held the Holy Easter Week starting Palm Sunday on April 2 with a procession describing the welcoming of Jesus in Jerusalem.

On Friday morning, there was a procession of the Way of the Cross that described how Jesus carried the cross, while being tortured along the road to Golgota. People follow the procession solemnly.

"This morning there was a procession of the Way of the Cross. Then at 15.00 WIB and 18.00 WIB there was the Good Friday service, ending with the reading of Passio, the stories that were sung," he said.

Pada Sabtu (8/4), ada ibadah Sabtu Sepi, dan malamnya ada Malam Easter, dilanjutkan Minggu Easter kemarinya yang akan diisi dengan penampilan pertampilan dari anak-anak.

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