Bogor Police Arrest Gang Of Robbers Killing Online Taxi Driver On Jagorawi Toll Road
The perpetrators of the murder of an online taxi driver on the Jagorawi Toll Road (Bogor Police)

BOGOR - The Bogor Police have arrested two perpetrators of the robbery and murder of an online taxi driver on the Jagorawi toll road. The perpetrators ordered an online vehicle from North Jakarta with the destination to Rancamaya, Bogor.

The perpetrators with the initials DY and JA were arrested in Cilincing, North Jakarta while preparing to flee. Meanwhile, one other perpetrator with the initials FS had already been arrested at the scene by the PJR Jagorawi Patrol team when the murder occurred.

Deputy Head of Bogor Police, Kompol Fitra Juanda, revealed that the uncovering of this sadistic murder was due to the cooperation of the Jagorawi Toll Road Patrol (PJR) officers who saw an oddity of a vehicle on the side of the Jagorawi Toll Road Monday, April 3 morning.

"Officers saw a vehicle stop at the side of the toll road with the hood open, two perpetrators were seen covered in blood, and one more on the side, they fled when approached. Officers finally managed to catch one perpetrator," said Fitra.

It was from the mouth of this perpetrator that the sadistic act of robbery against the online taxi driver was revealed. The victim is known as Anton Supriadi (37), a resident of Cilincing, North Jakarta.

Initially, the three perpetrators were chatting about the difficulty of getting money. I don't know who started it, the three of them then agreed to carry out acts of robbery against online taxi drivers. They then ordered an online taxi to Rancamaya, Bogor City.

"Right on the toll road, one of the perpetrators asked to stop with the excuse that he wanted to urinate. The perpetrator immediately grabbed the victim's neck with a seat belt, another perpetrator hit him using a steering wheel padlock and another perpetrator slashed his neck with a cutter knife," continued Fitra.

Meanwhile Kasatserse Polres Bogor AKP Yohanes Redhoi Sigiro revealed that this murder had economic motives. The perpetrators who are casual workers want to get money quickly. The three of them then planned a robbery against online taxi drivers.

"For this act, the police charged the three perpetrators with the article on ordinary murder, plus the article on premeditated murder and aggravated theft with a minimum sentence of 15 years, a maximum sentence of life, and a maximum penalty of death," said Yohanes.

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