JABAR - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Garut Regency found that thousands of TNI-Polri members were included in the 2024 election voter list.

Commissioner of the Prevention, Participation and Public Relations Division (P2HM) at Garut Bawaslu, Iim Imron said, the voter data was requested to be crossed out according to applicable regulations.

"We also found data related to TMS (unqualified) many members of the National Police-TNI," he said during the 'Participative Election Supervision Socialization' event in Garut, West Java, Tuesday, April 4, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said that Garut Bawaslu and all of its staff at the sub-district and village levels were conducting surveillance patrols on 2024 election organizers who updated voter data for matching and research (coklit).

As a result of the illegal activities, he said, there were a number of findings of unqualified voters such as members of the TNI and Polri who were included in the voter list for the 2024 General Election, a total of thousands of people.

"There are also a lot of other TMS data, there are thousands of Polri, there are about a thousand more that come in, yes," he said.

He conveyed that the apparatus data was likely because it was not written that his work status as a member of the TNI-Polri at the Population Service was included in the electoral voter list.

However, the result of the bankruptcy, he said, was that finally all members of the TNI and Polri who were included in the voter list were then crossed out and it was confirmed that they would not be included as voters for the 2024 General Election.

"When it was later stated that this was really the status of the TNI or Polri, it was immediately crossed out," he said.

He added that apart from members of the National Police and the TNI who are known to be on the voter list, there are also people who have the right not to be bankrupted by voter data updating officers.

Adanya temuan itu, kata Iim, Bawaslu Garut merekomendasikan kepada KPU Garut untuk melakukan pencolitan terhadap masyarakat tersebut agar nanti bisa masuk dalam daftar pemilih tetap pada Pemilu 2024.

"There were around 10 people who didn't go to the bulk yesterday, yes, there were 10 families, they were recorded as being in that place, but this record is not in that place," he said.

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