JAKARTA - David Ozora, a victim of abuse by suspect Mario Dandy, began to show signs of recovery. After 38 days ago in a coma, the 17-year-old boy smiled broadly and threw a metal greeting.

David's current health condition was reported by his father, Jonathan Latumahina. The South Jakarta GP Ansor official said David smiled when recorded by his cellphone.

"Want to see David's video smile for the first time since falling into a coma 38 days ago?" Jonathan wrote in a story on his Instagram account, @tidvr walked.

Jonathan then shared a video of David lying down on his cheek by his family. They burst into tears when David's flat lips turned wide.

The smile insertion certainly made his father's heart decay as a result of seeing his son in a coma now in the shade.

Jonathan then shared another video in his story showing David sleeping with his family staring at the camera screen.

This time David's face is serious while his index finger and left hand are open to metal symbols.

Jonathan is optimistic that David's health progress, which is getting better, will recover soon and return to his normal activities.

"U're fighter, Vid! Thin kids with an extraordinary passion for life. We all believe you will recover," Jonathan wrote in the caption of his upload.

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