The aftermath of the stabbing led to the death of a illegal parking attendant at Tasik Cideng Market, Gambir, Central Jakarta Metro Police, which was carried out by a illegal parking attendant at Tanah Abang Market, Central Jakarta Police gave attention to his staff to eradicate illegal parking in Tanah Abang.

In addition, ahead of Ramadan, the Tanah Abang area can certainly experience congestion due to the large number of visitors from various regions. So that there is the potential for disturbances in Kamtibmas.

In order to minimize things that have the potential for criminal acts, the Central Jakarta Metro Police will take action against thugs and jukir in the Tanah Abang Market area in the near future.

"Of course we will pay attention to this. We urge anyone to report to us when there is a jukir or illegal parking that sets a high price," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin to VOI, Friday, March 17.

Kombes Komarudin explained that parking is a service so that if there is coercion or high demand, please report it to the police.

"We impose extortion articles on people who set high prices for parking," he said.

Based on reports received by the police, illegal parking is rampant using public facilities such as roads controlled by individuals and thugs.

"Especially by claiming that the area is their area or stall, this is a public road. Like yesterday's incident, the suspect admitted that one car had to pay for parking of Rp. 50,000 rupiah in the F block of Tanah Abang Market," he explained.

Please note, the problem of illegal parking is a discussion material for the Central Jakarta Metro Police together with agencies related to illegal parking issues.

"As we all know, the capacity of the capital road with the growth of the number of vehicles has an impact on the rise of parking or points that are not accommodated," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the rise of illegal parking in the Tanah Abang Market area often caused public unrest. Starting from expensive parking rates to extortion.

In fact, the problem of illegal parking in the Tanah Abang Market area, Central Jakarta, also raises other problems. For example, a street crime case. As happened on Thursday, March 16, yesterday.

An act of stabbing occurred. The perpetrator and the victim worked among illegal parking attendants. The commotion was triggered because the distribution of parking rations was uneven or unfair, so one of the perpetrators was desperate to kill his own friend with a knife.

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