JAKARTA - It has been decided to postpone the reconstruction of the persecution of David Ozora by Mario Dandy Satryo today. The reason, several witnesses were unable to attend.

"There were several witnesses who were unable to attend as well as several technical considerations, so for the reconstruction of the persecution case with the suspect MDS and friends, we are currently pending," said the Director of General Criminal Investigation of Metro Jaya Police Kombes Hengki Haryadi in his statement, Thursday, March 9.

Not explained further about the time of rescheduling the reconstruction. It will only be conveyed if it waits for all parties to be present.

"Furthermore, we will convey the implementation at the first opportunity after everything is confirmed," said Hengki.

Previously, Hengki said that his plan was to reconstruct the David Ozora persecution case, at least to demonstrate around 23 scenes.

The purpose of the reconstruction is to find agreement between the statements of witnesses and perpetrators with the evidence that has been collected.

"We can see from the combination of several pieces of evidence from the witnesses' statements that the suspect agrees with them rather than the elements of the article that we have submitted," said Hengki.

For information, in the case of the persecution of David, there have been several developments. First, the police decided to detain AG at the Social Welfare Administration Agency (LPKS) for 7 days.

Then, AG was challenged with Article 76 c in conjunction with Article 80 of the Child Protection Act and or 355 paragraph 1 Jo 56 subsidiary 353 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code subsidiary 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code.

Mario Dandy was sanctioned with a heavier article. Now, he is being charged with Article 355 of the Criminal Code paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 354 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code being a subsidiary of Article 353 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code being a subsidiary of Article 352 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code. Then, Article 76c junto Article 80 of the child protection law.

Then, for Shane Lukas, he was charged with Article 355 paragraph 1 juncto 56 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary 354 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, junto 56 of the Criminal Code, more subsidiary 353 paragraph 2 juncto 56 of the Criminal Code, more subsidiary 351 paragraph 2 and or 76c junto Article 80 of the Child Protection Law.

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