Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin conveyed 5 important messages to the National Working Meeting of Nahdlatul Ulama Higher Education Institutions (LPTNU) and the Nahdlatul Ulama Higher Education Conference which was held in Medan, North Sumatra from 8-9 March 2023.

"Regarding the big agenda carried out in this National Working Meeting, there are several things that I want to convey. This is also one of NU's efforts to encourage the realization of qualified Indonesian human empowerment to face challenges in the future which are reflected in the presence of NU universities throughout the archipelago," said the Vice President, who was followed by zoom, from Medan, Wednesday, March 8, was confiscated by Antara.

The five important messages he conveyed, the first was the development of Islamic Religious Sciences within NU universities to create religious experts who do not only understand religious science contextually.

However, it must also be dynamic that is able to respond to various problems and challenges that arise in the future in accordance with the development of science which also continues to develop.

The second is the development of science which continues to innovate for the prosperity of the people and the progress of the country. Because innovation is the key to prosperity that is in line with human position as a caliph on earth which is blessed with reason and conscience.

"Humans are given the task of managing and building the earth and its civilization. Also as development actors to prosper the earth," he said.

The third message is that NU universities must contribute in creating responsive thinking and solving problems that arise in various fields, both national and global.

Thus, NU's position not only takes care of the thoughts or heritage of the ulama, but also provides new thinking in accordance with the rules, namely carrying out transformation and making better improvements in a sustainable manner.

The fourth message, is that higher education institutions under the auspices of NU must be managed professionally, both in improving the curriculum, improving the quality of lecturers, facilities and infrastructure as well as administration and financing.

This, he said, needs attention with existing limitations. For this reason, it is also necessary to encourage the expansion of synergy and cooperation, not only between LPT in NU ranks and domestic and foreign universities, but also other agencies including ministries and government institutions.

"My fifth message is that LPT NU must develop partnerships with the business world and the industrial world. So that both of them can progress together by developing human resources in each NU university location," he said.

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