JAMBI - Sub-Directorate IV Team of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) of the Jambi Police arrested oil miners without permission or illegal drilling with the initials AI while operating in Bungku Village, Bajungbang District, Batanghari Regency, Jambi Province.
Head of Sub-Directorate IV of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Jambi Police, Kompol Indar Wahyu Dwi Septiawan, said that the arrest of AI stemmed from public information received by investigators on Monday, February 6.
It was stated that the informant, there was illegal oil mining in Bungku Village, Bajungbang District, Batanghari Regency, Jambi. After receiving information, the team immediately went to the location and immediately arrested the perpetrator.
"At that time the perpetrator was resting in the hut," he said in Jambi, Antara, Tuesday, February 28.
According to information, at that time the perpetrator was only alone and was carrying out activities at the location. Regarding land ownership, investigators are still conducting more intensive investigations. The police are also still examining the perpetrators regarding the alleged existence of investors in oil mining activities without the permit.
"Whether the perpetrator did it himself or if there was a financier, we were looking into it," he said.
He explained that the perpetrator who was arrested at the TKP acted as a distiller. There are still other parties in charge of taking oil. Meanwhile, at the time of arrest, AI perpetrators at the location were still in the process of processing and oil had not been sold.
Based on the perpetrator's confession, this illegal oil mining activity has been carried out for three months.
Currently, the perpetrator and the evidence are in the detention of the Regional Police Headquarters for further investigation.
The evidence that was successfully secured was a motorbike that had been modified, a rope roller, a canting pipe, a patrol, a 30 liter jerry canned with a green liquid that resembled petroleum.
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