KENDARI- The Kendari Health Office, Southeast Sulawesi, recorded as many as 25 residents in the area died from tuberculosis (TBC) or TB of 1,181 cases throughout 2022. "From the data of 1,181 cases of TB 2022, 25 cases of death were found. Of the 25 cases of TB were not purely due to TB, there could be complications with other diseases but the biggest cause was the ferocity of TB bacteria in him," said Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division (P2P) of the Health Office Kendari Ellfi quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 22.

"We now have a reporting recording system, namely the Tuberculosis information system. So with this system all TB case data can be accessed at all health facility services in Kendari City," said Ellfi. He added that Tuberculosis (TBC) or TB is an infectious disease caused by bacterial infection. This disease generally attacks the lungs, but can also attack other organs.

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