JAKARTA - The North Gorontalo Resort Police (Polres), Gorontalo Province, stated that violence against children and women in their area was very high, therefore it carried out synergies with various parties to prevent it.

"Cases of violence against children and women in this area, reaching 50 reports in 2022. This number is very high, so we move quickly to pay attention in suppressing reports that dominate criminal cases in this area," said Head of the Criminal and Investigation Unit (Reskrim) of the North Gorontalo Police, Iptu I Made Budiantara Putra, in Gorontalo, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

According to him, all stakeholders need to jointly provide education in public spaces to prevent cases of violence against children and women.

Cross-sector education ranging from law enforcement officers, including the Police, TNI, Prosecutor's Office, as well as the Religious Court, Social Service, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service, Education Office, Health Service, Integrated Service Center for Women and Children Empowerment (P2TP2A), Women's Organization and Children's Forum, are believed to be effective in preventing the case.

Given sexual abuse, abuse of children and women in this area is classified as a very high case. "Joint work is certainly very reliable," he said.

Program pendidaan, pengarahan, serta menambah kegiatan positif bagi anak melalui kegiatan tambahan di sekolah, tentu lebih bermanfaat bagi tumbuh kembangan anak.

"We suppress the use of the internet among children, because the technology also has a negative positive side. Our common role is required to be able to provide the best education space for child growth," said the officer from West Lombok.

All stakeholders are also expected to increase sex-related education. This is important, so that children can understand the impact or risk if they have free sex, especially minors or are not married.

The Department of Health, Education, Social and P2TP2A is expected to cooperate in education through counseling.

With the hope that the provision of targeted counseling is effective in providing sex education not only for children, but adults need to have more than sufficient knowledge.

Including criminal threats if you do things that violate the law.

Budiantara said that his party proposed to the local government to make billboards or banners regarding the socialization of articles related to the law on the protection of children and women.

"The threat of punishment that is known to the public is one way to prevent violence against children and women. Because people will be afraid to commit acts that violate the law," he said.

Responding to the issue of child kidnapping, he stressed that the public should not panic but be more vigilant and careful about taking care of children, providing protection and increasing supervision.

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