SUKOHARJO - Around 4,000 residents in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, have been displaced due to the overflow of the Bengawan Solo River since Thursday, February 16.

Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sukoharjo Regency Ariyanto Mulyatmojo said, until now the water level has not receded. The point with the highest puddle reaches 2 meters.

"While it hasn't receded, we are evacuating," he said in Sukoharjo, Antara, Friday, February 17.

As a result of the high level of the Bengawan Solo River, the flow of water from tributaries that should enter the Bengawan Solo cannot. "So look for lower areas," he said.

Several areas in Sukoharjo Regency which are still inundated include Kwarasan Village, Gadingan Village, Kadokan Village, Tegalmade, and Madegondo.

It is estimated that the number of displaced residents will still increase considering that until now the water has not receded.

"The height is still the same, it hasn't receded, instead it tends to go up. Some are more than two meters. IDPs have the potential to continue adding, this is still an evacuation process," he said.

In fact, he said, there was one hamlet, namely Nusupan Hamlet, Kadokan Village, Grogol District, which was isolated because it was surrounded by floods, so residents had to use boats to evacuate.

"That's right. Insha Allah, the logistics will be fulfilled, for the boats to ask for help again. Insya Allah, it will be enough, pray that it will recede soon," he said.

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