MATARAM - The NTB Police have named 19 suspects in 13 cases of alleged online and conventional gambling. Daily Executor (Plh.) of the Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Lalu Muhammad Iwan Mahardan, said the gambling case was revealed by the Crime and Violence Directorate Team (Ditjantras) and the Criminal Investigation and Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the NTB Police within the period of prosecution from 26 January -14 February 2023. "So, the implementation of the National Police Chief's routine program in optimizing legal activities, one of which is related to gambling, the NTB Police and the ranks have carried out active action for 20 days with the results revealed 13 gambling cases and named 19 suspects," said Iwan in Mataram, Antara, Thursday, February 16. With these results, according to Iwan, gambling cases in the NTB area still occur in the community, especially in Mataram City. "Therefore, in accordance with the commitment of the National Police Chief, the eradication of gambling in the community will continue to be encouraged," he said. Meanwhile, the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the NTB Police, Kombes Pol Teddy Ristiawan, explained that the handling of the 13 alleged gambling cases was entangled in the criminal act of Article 303 of the Criminal Code. He mentioned that of these cases, two of them were related to online gambling which utilized a site called the toto2 field and the sensory. Teddy admits that his party is still having trouble tracing the owner of the site that was revealed to be domiciled in Myanmar. "Because the site we acted on was from abroad, so it was difficult for us to catch up, that's why we named the suspect, the only collector," said Teddy. However, he said, as a commitment to eradicate gambling that has been rampant in the community, his party will continue the information to the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo). "If possible, we will propose blocking of these two online gambling sites. Likewise encouraging the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information to further increase supervision of these kinds of sites (juddies)," he said.

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