JAKARTA - Richard total father and mother of Bharada E, Junus Lumiu and Rynecke Alma Pudihang talk about their hope of remaining members of the National Police even though they have been convicted with 1.5 years in prison.

This hope was conveyed by Rynecke when he was going to visit Bharada E at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit detention center on Thursday, February 16.

"Believe it, we believe that Icad will definitely be on duty again as before," Rynecke said.

However, they left it entirely to the Police to determine the future of Bharada E in the Bhayangkara Corps.

Moreover, this matter will be determined through the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) trial process.

"If the problem is still handed over to the Police," he said.

The National Police's Propam Division is said to have scheduled a KKEP trial for Bharada E, who has been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and 6 months. However, the exact time has not been conveyed in detail.

"Yes, it has been scheduled by Propam," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo

Later in the internal trial, Bharada E's justice collaborator status will be used as a consideration to determine his future as a member of the National Police.

"So the trial of the code of ethics commission will certainly consider sharing input from the public, then the opinions of experts and also of course an important reference from yesterday's court decision is Richard Eliezer as a justice collaborator," he concluded.

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