Lots of Fictitious Data, Regency Government Re-Verifies 50 Thousand Houses Affected by the Cianjur Earthquake
Assistance from residents worked hand in hand to help the building of the house that collapsed due to the Cianjur earthquake (ANTARA)

CIANJUR - The District Government of Cianjur, West Java, re-verified 50 thousand houses affected by the earthquake because there were houses that did not match the level of damage, and many damaged houses were not included in the data as recipients of aid.

The spokesperson for Cianjur Earthquake Disaster Management, Budi Rahayu Toyib, said that a team consisting of the TNI, BPBD and related agencies were conducting a re-verification because a lot of the data that was received was inappropriate and residents complained.

"Many reports related to residents whose houses were affected but were not included in the list of beneficiaries, so a re-verification of the list of beneficiaries was carried out, including those who felt the damage did not match the level of damage", said Budi Rahayu Toyib, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 16.

Tens of thousands of houses that do not match the level of damage and are not recorded as beneficiaries of phases 1, 2 and 3, will be included in the recipients of phase 4 assistance so that re-verification will be accelerated until the end of March.

"We are targeting that as soon as possible re-verification and data collection of residents who have not entered as beneficiaries, can be completed and immediately submitted as recipients of phase 4 assistance", he said.

The Construction Engineers' Task Force for the Acceleration of House Construction Lt. Col. Czi Dony Siswanto through Wadansatgas Captain Czi Yusup Yudistira said that his party sent 150 members to the process of re-verifying the homes of the Cianjur earthquake victims.

"The number of deployed members will be added during the construction of houses for affected residents with earthquake-resistant construction. For now, 150 members have been deployed to collect data and re-verify the level of damage that is not appropriate", he said.

His party targets the data collection and verification process to be completed according to the target in early March so that residents can immediately occupy their homes after construction is complete. "We will try to complete it in a few weeks and the construction will be carried out immediately", he said.

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