JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Syafrin Liputo asked residents to complain about the existence of illegal parking through the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Rapid Response Community (CRM) channel.

This is in response to a dispute between neighbors, where residents complained about the illegal parking of a noodle shop customer's vehicle in the Kwitang area, Central Jakarta.

"I don't know whether illegal parking is on the main road network, connectors, or the environment. We understand that people who have illegal parking in their environment can report it to the DKI Provincial Government via CRM, which we will then follow up on," Syafrin told reporters, Wednesday, February 15th.

CRM is a channel for the integration of official complaints to resolve various non-emergency problems in Jakarta. Reports included in CRM which consist of 13 complaint channels will be followed up responsively.

Since 13 CRM complaint channels were created in 2017, CRM has followed up on 944,026 public complaints. Syafrin explained, after residents filed complaints on the CRM channel about illegal parking, the DKI Transportation Agency will go to the field with persuasive actions.

"The first stage we are carrying out is of course humane and educative, then persuasive. The goal is to make people more aware not to park anywhere because the road is for vehicle traffic, not for vehicle parking," explained Syafrin.

Continuing, the Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Latif Usman said that his party would utilize electronic traffic tickets or electronic traffic law enforcement (ETLE), both static and dynamic to detect illegal parking.

"Earlier, the illegal parking, we also have an ETLE tool that will place it at points that will be requested by the Transportation Agency later. We will always coordinate," said Latif.

The 13 official complaint channels for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government CRM, namely:


2. Twitter @dkijakarta

3. DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Facebook

4. Email [email protected]

5. Governor's social media

6. SMS via 08111272206

7. Web jakarta.go.id

8. Ward Office

9. District Office

10. Mayor's Office

11. Hall City Hall

12. Office of the Inspectorate

13. Report 1708.

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