The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed that the Head of the West Kalimantan National Road Implementation Agency (BPJN) Dedy Mandarsyah will be summoned and clarified about his wealth. This step was taken because there were assets that were not submitted in the state administrator's wealth report (LHKPN).

Harta Dedy was in the spotlight after the case of mistreatment of a koas doctor in Palembang named Muhammad Luthfi went viral on social media. Her son, Lady, is suspected of being the cause of the incident that occurred in early December 2024.

"Yes, later (it will be carried out, red) clarifying," said KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan to reporters quoted on Friday, January 3.

Pahala has not been able to specify the exact time of the summons and clarification. This is because the Directorate of LHKPN of the KPK is still searching for additional data.

However, Pahala confirmed that the request for information would be carried out. Moreover, the KPK has found that Dedy did not report any land and building assets.

"It has not been scheduled (but, red) immediately (clarification, ed)," he said.

Dedy Mandarsyah conveyed the LHKPN on March 14, 2024. The total assets are Rp9,426,451,869 or more than Rp9.4 billion.

It was recorded that he had assets in the form of land and buildings worth Rp. 750 million. The details are land and buildings covering an area of 33.8 m2 in South Jakarta worth Rp. 200 million; land and buildings covering an area of 33.8 m2 in South Jakarta worth Rp. 200 million; and land and buildings covering an area of 36 m2 in South Jakarta worth Rp. 350 million

Dedy also reported other assets in the form of a Honda CR-V car in 2019 worth IDR 450 million. He also has movable assets of IDR 830 million; securities of IDR 670.7 million; and cash and cash equivalents of IDR 6,725,751,869.

The persecution incident began when Lady objected to the schedule set by Muhammad Luthfi. He then complained to his mother and followed up by holding a meeting at a restaurant in Palembang.

In the midst of the conversation, Fadillah alias Datuk, who is the driver of Lady's mother, abused Luthfi.

This abuse case was then handled by the police. Datuk, the perpetrator of the persecution, has also been named a suspect after surrendering himself.

Even so, netizens immediately highlighted the wealth of Lady's father, Dedy Mandarsyah, who is the Head of the West Kalimantan National Road Implementation Center (BPJN). His assets are considered unnatural.

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