JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab's team of lawyers asked the judges to present Rizieq as a petitioner in the next pretrial trial. The reason is so that all claims filed can be submitted clearly and clearly.

"We asked him to present his habib (Rizieq Shihab) to be clear and satisfied," said a team of lawyers, Alamsyah at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, January 4.

However, the single judge in this pretrial hearing, Akhmad Sahyuti, rejected the request. This is because bringing Rizieq, who is currently languishing in the Polda Metro Jaya detention center, requires a long process.

So, the judge also asked the team of lawyers not to force it. In addition, all explanations related to the lawsuit on the determination of the suspect can be submitted by the legal team.

"The application in detention is still a long procedure, I think it is enough for a lawyer," said Judge Sahyuti.

"There are already rules, don't force it. This is what is being challenged for the formalities (determination of the suspect, ed)," continued Judge Sahyuti.

Meanwhile, the trial for the pretrial case against Rizieq Shihab was postponed until Tuesday, January 5. Later, the follow-up trial will include the respondent's agenda.

It is known that Rizieq Shihab was named a suspect in the alleged crowd case and violation of health protocols on Thursday, December 10. Not only Rizieq, in that case, the police also named five other suspects.

Rizieq was charged with Articles 160 of the Criminal Code and 216 of the Criminal Code. Meanwhile, the other suspect was charged with Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine. Rizieq has been detained since 12 December. Rizieq is currently in a drug detention cell at Polda Metro Jaya.

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