JAKARTA - Temperature in Mohe City, Helongjiang Province, China has touched -53 degrees Celsius over the past few days. The air temperature in northern China was the lowest since 1969.

China's National Meteorological Center (NMC) reported in February 1969 that the air temperature in Mohe City was recorded at -52.3 degrees Celsius.

The city's extreme cold air has created an ice fog so that visibility is not more than 10 meters.

In frozen weather and limited visibility, based on an Antara report, local police officers took to the highway to regulate traffic.

Police officers wore thick clothes and put thermal equipment on their shoes.

The officers took turns on the field for once every 10 minutes so that their body condition remained stable and maintained.

Overcoming the cold waves in Helongjiang Province this time, six million metric tons of coal have been imported via train from China Railway Harbin Group

NMC estimates the air temperature in the northern and eastern regions of China will fall 8 to 12 degrees on January 25-29.

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