JAKARTA – The Bogor Police Narcotics Research Unit (Sat Resnarkoba) Polda West Java has arrested a man with the initials AF (35), a dealer of illegal or hard drugs of type G. The perpetrator was secured with evidence (barpowder) 1,686 tablets sold under the guise of a soap kiosk.

AF was secured at his kiosk, Brigjen Saptaji Prawira Street, West Cilendek Village, West Bogor District, Bogor City on Saturday 21 January 2023.

Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso emphasized that the arrest of hard drug dealers started from public information.

"Starting from information from the public that the AF kiosk often traded hard drugs. Many buskers and street children buy medicines there," said Kombes Bismo in his statement, Wednesday 25 January.

"On the basis of this information, our members from the Narcotics Research Unit conducted an investigation to ensure the truth. During patrols and observations, the Opsnal Team II managed to secure AF at the kiosk," continued Kombes Bismo.

He added that during a search in the kiosk, a black sling bag was found. "Under the ethylation there is a black sling bag containing 570 tramadol tablets and 360 trihexyphenydil tablets," he explained.

Meanwhile, from the shelf, they found a container made of cardboard containing 27 tablets of tramadol, 15 tablets of trihexyphenydil, and one bottle of medicine containing 714 tablets of hexymer. Officers also found IDR 435,000 in cash which was allegedly the result of selling these hard drugs.

“A total of 1,686 tablets. Then AF and the evidence were secured to the Sat Resnarkoba Polresta Bogor City Polda Jabar for further investigation," concluded Kombes Bismo.

Meanwhile Head of Narcotics Unit of the Bogor City Police, Kompol Agus Susanto, added that to trick the officers, the AF kiosks under the guise of selling soap and daily necessities.

However, when he was arrested he admitted that all the drugs belonged to him. "All the hard drugs found at the kiosk were recognized by AF as his to be resold," explained Kompol Agus.

For his actions, AF was charged with Article 196 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 36 of 2009 concerning health.

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