PAPUA - At least 50 Oksibil residents in the Pegunungan Bintang Regency Papua are worried about the conditions where they live. They boarded a logistics plane flying out of Oksibil.

Commander of Korem (Danrem) 172/PWY Brigadier General JO Sembiring said the dozens of residents boarded the CN A 2307 plane which previously transported logistics to Oksibil.

When they wanted to return to Sentani, the logistics plane helped transport dozens of Oksibil residents who wanted to go to Jayapura.

The operations of Oksibil Airport have been opened after the shooting down of a cargo plane by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) on January 9, 2023. Even though it has been opened, no commercial planes have landed yet.

Based on the Antara report, the Danrem 172 PWY said the authorities had asked them to remain in Oksibil. However, dozens of residents are worried about the security situation, so they still want to leave Oksibil immediately.

Those who left Oksibil were mostly women and children. Upon arrival at Sentani Airport, dozens of Oksibil residents were immediately taken by their families.

When asked about the situation in Oksibil, Danrem 172 admitted that it was relatively conducive. The security forces are still on standby.

"Overall the security situation in Oksibil is conducive, but the security forces continue to be alert and carry out patrols", said the Danrem 172 PWY.

Erlina, an Oksibil resident from Banyuwangi, who fled to Sentani using a logistics plane, felt scared. She admitted that he heard gunshots almost every night.

Since January 7, according to her, gunshots have been heard almost every night. She also discouraged selling.

"Every night I flee to the Gunung Bintang Police Headquarters in Oksibil and don't dare to be at home because the group often passes around the house every night", said Erlina, who has lived in Oksibil for two years.

KKB on Monday, January 9 morning, reportedly set fire to the Pegunungan Bintang Disdukcapil Office and shot Ikairos' cargo plane as it was about to land at Oksibil Airport.

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